Text: Geneza 25: 27-34...
Text: 2 Timotei 3: 10-17...
Text: 1 Petru 1: 10-23...
“Apa Vieti” (Life Water) president Liviu Neagoe brings us a message from 1st Samuel. The message challenges us to hear and recognize God’s voice when He calls our name. Bible Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-10...
Our words hold a value far greater than many of us think. This message from the book of James reminds us of the destructive and constructive power words can have. Bible Passage: James 3:1-12...
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message from the book of Revelations. His message encourages us to remind ourselves of the day when all humanity will stand before God in judgement. Bible Text: Revelations 20:11-15...
The final battle against Satan and his demons is easily won. Fire is sent from heaven and Satan is cast away. In this interesting sermon from the book of Revelations pastor Matei describes how Satan is judged, condemned a...
Evangelist Marty Coyne reminds us that truth in God’s word regarding blindness. Blind Bartimaeus receives his sight do you? Bible Passage: Mark 10:46-52...
The title “Memories of the Future” is a paradox that speaker Mihai Sirbu wants to draw attention to in hopes that we remember our God. At the end of the book Ecclesiastes God tells us the final message He want...
Three major questions every Christian has to answer before God for the life lived on this earth: Has my life as a Christian became routine to the point that I lost interest in what real Christian life is? Is my relationsh...