7 – 11 Iunie, 2021
orele 5:00pm – 8:30pm, la GRBC
Școala Biblică de Vară este una din oportunitățile comunității GRBC de a răspândi sămânța Evangheliei și a-L glorifica pe Hristos Domnul. Anul acesta tema este “Marea Explorare”.
The Great Exploration
The most amazing part of the universe is that God made it out of nothing. That’s right! God created the planets, the stars, the sun and moon, and even us. But why did He do this? What was His reason for making everything we see? It was so that He could show us who He is, and that’s what we’ll be learning this week at VBS.
We hope our children will enjoy this journey as they learn about God and how they must trust in Him.
“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”
Exodus 15:11
“Cine este ca Tine între dumnezei, Doamne? Cine este ca Tine minunat în sfințenie, Bogat în fapte de laudă, și făcător de minuni?”
Exodul 15:11
Week Outline:
Day 1: God is Eternal
Day 2: God is Sovereign
Day 3: God is All-Knowing
Day 4: God is Love
Day 5: God is Holy
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