Matei Istudor, Prețul binecuvântării oferite de Domnul! (9/21/2014 AM)
Text: Geneza 25: 27-34
Text: Geneza 25: 27-34
Text: 2 Timotei 3: 10-17
Text: 2 Timotei 3: 1-17
Text: 1 Petru 1: 10-23
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the congregation a message from the book of Hebrews on a testimony that can not be ignored. Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-4
Seminary Student from Emanuel University in Oradea, RO brings us a message on the application and result of God’s work for us (the hope of believers). Bible Text: Romans 5:1-5
Seminary student, Lorand Horvat, from Oradea, Romania brings the church a message on the prize that awaits us for fighting the good fight. Bible Text: Hebrews 12:1-3
Pastor Matei Istudor brings a message on the power and dangers the gospel brings to those who encounter it. Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6