Matei Istudor, The Mission Of God’s Grace (7/13/2014 PM)
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message on the greatest of example of missions shown in the Bible. Bible Text: Tit 2:11-15
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message on the greatest of example of missions shown in the Bible. Bible Text: Tit 2:11-15
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message on how not to be a stumbling stone for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3,9-13
Preacher Matei Istudor brings us a message on John The Baptist whom Jesus calls the greatest man born of a woman. Bible Text: Mathew 11:11
This message by pastor Matei Istudor asks the question; who can be happy about true freedom? Bible Text: John 8:30-36
Preacher Peter Popovici brings us a message on obeying Christ in word and action. Bible Text: Matthew 11:28-30
Guest speaker Liviu Ban from Phoenix, AZ brings us a message on the joy a believer should have. Bible Text: Acts 8:26-40
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a message on how to remain faithful to God even when we are suffering unjustly. Bible Text: Job 1:1-22
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a message on what God has to say with regards to death and suffering. Bible Text: Romans 8:1-39
Guest speaker Paul Negrut from Oradea, Romania brings the church a message on how God honors those who honor Him. Bible Text: 1 Samuel 2:27-36
Alex Roman from GRBC presents a lesson to the children in the congregation on the importance of every member in a computer or the body of Christ.