Matei Istudor, Cine este Domnul Isus Hristos? (1/4/2015 AM)
Ce gândește Dumnezeu despre Domnul Isus și despre noi! Text: Coloseni 1:15-23
Ce gândește Dumnezeu despre Domnul Isus și despre noi! Text: Coloseni 1:15-23
Text: Iosua 20:1-9
Text: Psalmul 90: 1-4
Text: Efeseni 1:1-12
Text: Matei 2:1-12
Text: Matei 1:18-25
Text: Efeseni 1:7-12
Text Efeseni 1:7
Text: Filipeni 4:10-13
Text: Deutronom 8:1-20
Text: Matei 3:1-3
Text: Evrei 12:1-29
Text: Marcu 6:53-56
Text: Marcu 5:16-20
Text: Daniel 3:24-29
Text: Matei 7:13-14
Text: Isaia 21:6-12
Text: Iov 24:1-12
Text: Efeseni 1:1-6
Text: Ieremia 33: 1-11
Text: Geneza 25: 27-34
Text: 2 Timotei 3: 10-17
Text: 2 Timotei 3: 1-17
Text: 1 Petru 1: 10-23
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the congregation a message from the book of Hebrews on a testimony that can not be ignored. Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-4
Seminary Student from Emanuel University in Oradea, RO brings us a message on the application and result of God’s work for us (the hope of believers). Bible Text: Romans 5:1-5
Seminary student, Lorand Horvat, from Oradea, Romania brings the church a message on the prize that awaits us for fighting the good fight. Bible Text: Hebrews 12:1-3
Pastor Matei Istudor brings a message on the power and dangers the gospel brings to those who encounter it. Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Guest Speaker Lorand Horvat from Oradea, Romania brings us a message on salvation and what it means to be born again. Bible Text: Exodus 14
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a message on the correct way to discipline someone in the church. Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 2:5-11
Guest speaker Lorand Horvat from Emanuel University in Oradia, Romania brings us a message on faith we can learn from an anonymous mother the Bible speaks about. Bible Text: Hebrews 11:1
Pastor Popovici brings us a powerful message that reminds us of not only the need to share Christ with others, but also practical methods on how we can find people to share Christ with. Bible Text: John 1:35-49
Guest speaker from Agape Moldovian Baptist Church (Greenfield, MA) brings us a message on placing our hope only in the Lord. Bible Text: Psalm 145
Pastor Pit Popovici brings the church a message on the importance on being a light. Bible Text: John 15:1-17
Pastor Pit Popovici brings the church a message on the great calling and our personal responsibility as Christians to spread the gospel. Bible Text: Mathew 9:35-38
Guest speaker from Centrul Crestin in Hunedoara Romania brings the church a message on what it means to reflect Jesus Christ through our lives. Bible Text: Mathew 5:1-12
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message on the greatest of example of missions shown in the Bible. Bible Text: Tit 2:11-15
Pastor Matei Istudor brings us a message on how not to be a stumbling stone for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3,9-13
Preacher Matei Istudor brings us a message on John The Baptist whom Jesus calls the greatest man born of a woman. Bible Text: Mathew 11:11
This message by pastor Matei Istudor asks the question; who can be happy about true freedom? Bible Text: John 8:30-36
Preacher Peter Popovici brings us a message on obeying Christ in word and action. Bible Text: Matthew 11:28-30
Guest speaker Liviu Ban from Phoenix, AZ brings us a message on the joy a believer should have. Bible Text: Acts 8:26-40
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a message on how to remain faithful to God even when we are suffering unjustly. Bible Text: Job 1:1-22
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a message on what God has to say with regards to death and suffering. Bible Text: Romans 8:1-39
Guest speaker Paul Negrut from Oradea, Romania brings the church a message on how God honors those who honor Him. Bible Text: 1 Samuel 2:27-36
Pastor Matei Istudor brings the church a Father’s Day message that compares God’s love with regards to Abraham in the old testament. Bible Text: Genesis 22